Please print this page for your record, it contains all the required information to modify, and setup your email client. Always remember to replace <websitename> with the actual name of your site.
Website Control Panel: https://< (always click “Continue to this website/ignore security warning”)
Webmail Address: http://webmail.<websitename>.com
FTP Address: <websitename>.com
Incoming / POP 3 Setting: mail.<websitename>.com (Port 110 / SSL Port 995)
Outgoing / SMTP Setting: mail.<websitename>.com (Port 25 or 587/ SSL Port 465)
The above information assumes the registered website is a .com address, if you have registered a .net or any other website extension please use that extension instead of a .com.
This is all the basic information you need to get off the ground, please feel free to email us or give us a call if you require further assistance.